This integration with Okta is currently under development and is not available to customers yet. Contact [email protected] to learn more.
Wonderwerk accepts Okta as Identity Provider (IdP) for SSO and/or SCIM. When integrating with SCIM users can be provisioned, updated, and removed. We currently do not allow deactivating users in Wonderwerk.
When using Okta as IdP for SSO, without SCIM, users can be created Just in Time.
Wonderwerk does not accept groups, teams, or roles to be set through SSO or SCIM.
SSO and SCIM is an enterprise feature. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.
To get started, reach out to the Wonderwerk Support team and let them know you want to use Okta for login and user provisioning. ([email protected]) A Support representative will provide you with an API token specific to your organization.